By: Mark Williams, GSP
Each year on January 1 millions across the world take the opportunity of a new calendar year to make a change for themselves whether it be kicking an old habit, developing new routines, or taking a new outlook on life. The most common New Year’s “Resolutions” are to live a healthier lifestyle by eating healthier and/or visiting the local gym more to get in to better physical shape. Other examples of New Year’s resolutions include having a more positive outlook on life, kicking an unhealthy habit such as tobacco use, or even stopping the habit of procrastination. Local fitness centers typically see an influx of memberships and visitors in the month of January due to the number of people who make that a resolution of theirs; however, typically by the month of March many of the once hopeful have given up on their resolutions for a variety of reasons. Sometimes work, life, families, busy schedules, and many other things just do not accommodate that New Year’s resolution. Often times when things get tough, we as humans, look for the easiest logical reason out as to why we could not finish our goal. Things like location of the gym: is the gym out of the way? Maybe pick a gym that is on your commute to or from work so that you pass it each day and are encouraged to attend. According to, approximately 80% of people fail to stick to their resolutions. Why is this? One proposed answer is that the resolution to the person is not a personal revolution; therefore, they lack the motivation to see the goal or mission through. How can one combat this and be successful?
The word revolution means or represents an instance of evolving whether it be personally, as a society, or as a family. A resolution is a firm decision to do or not to do something. Notice the difference? It takes a resolution to commence a revolution. While a resolution can alter or not stick, a revolution is a movement within one’s self. A revolution is what must take place to conquer a tough component of one’s life such as an unhealthy lifestyle. Now, how does one turn a resolution into a revolution? One simple word: commitment. Commitment to one’s self, goals, dreams, the big picture, and the end goal. To see through a goal or mission, there must be commitment throughout the entire journey especially when things get tough or trying. You have to remind yourself, small wins make big wins and change does not happen overnight. The average person must complete a task or action for months or 66 days, to be exact, in order for it to become a habit. Refer back up to the beginning of the article, most people give up on their resolutions before the 66 day mark. People are not giving themselves a fair shot. The reason? Commitment. For one to successfully complete a life altering change, they have to stay committed throughout the toughest times from beginning to end. Once it becomes habit, you must be more committed so that you can exceed your goals! The result? A revolution of one’s self and lifestyle. A revolution leads to a lifetime of difference and can make your simple resolution worth it years down the road.
I hope this article finds you questioning yourself and why you didn’t see through your New Year’s resolution. What is your why? Why is that resolution a big deal to you? In questioning yourself, I hope that it renews a sense of urgency, faith, and commitment to beginning your own personal revolution. Truth is, you can do it as long as you believe and commit to the process of achieving that goal! Remember, 66 days! So, go out there renew that desire to accomplish a goal, make it personal, and make it a revolution. Make 2018 your year, it is never too late! Make today your new beginning.
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