WHERE: Safety Resources, Inc.

12 West Vermont Street

Indianapolis, IN  46204

WHEN:  January 10, 2018 

TIME:  11:30AM – 1:00PM 


COST: $10 - 1st company attendee, $5 - 2+ company attendee

*Lunch will be served*

Chris is currently the Director of Education and Training at Safety Resources, Inc. in Indianapolis, Indiana.  His role in this capacity includes managing the continuing education and training division.  He oversees the development, marketing and implementation of the division and evaluates the programs for continuous improvement.  Chris was instrumental in helping Safety Resources achieve Authorized Provider status through IACET (International Association of Continuing Education and Training), and continues to provide the training and guidance at the management level to ascertain service excellence.

TOPIC:  OSHA’s recordkeeping rule is one which employers must be familiar with in order to ensure clear and accurate documentation of workplace injuries is made.  Recently, OSHA has made some changes to the rule, most notably the requirement that employers complete an online form to report to OSHA the recordable incidents from the previous year.  Join Safety Resources for a Safety Snacks and Facts session where we will review the basics of the Recordkeeping Rules and provide an update with the new rule changes.

We still have a few spots open – RSVP today and don’t miss out on this opportunity!

RSVP: Susan Yeiter: syeiter@safetyresources.com

VISIT: www.safetyresources.com to review the future topics and times